Updates. | 11/07/2024 - 10:10

Again, it's a rainy day. When I first created this page, it was a rainy weekend. A whole week has been something like this. I like rain, but at the same time, not so much. They are relaxing, but they ruin my laundry days and my dogs can't go on walks.

I should be working, but instead I'm procrastinating a bit writing this post. I'm excited! Today, Nagabe begins his journey in Brazil. He is my favorite mangaka and Monotone Blue is the work of his that I love the most. Unfortunately it has not been translated into Portuguese yet. I hope one day it will be. Not only Monotobe Blue but also EAT, which is a work waiting for their pre-release. Nagabe is best known for his work The Girl From The Other Side. All his works are good. If you like reading manga, I recommend them all.

Since Nagabe-sensei is here in Brazil, I'm going to try to get his autograph! If I can, I'll not only post a photo here and talk about what it was like being there later! I'll be seeing him, if everything goes well, on Saturday. I'm more than excited to see him.

Other than that, I'm coding a page related to ZZZ. It will take a long time. It has more things compared to this one, but it's been fun! It took me less time to create it than this one, but it will be more complex too. I'm taking my time developing it while, at the same time, playing the new content that has becomes available on ZZZ. The update this time was really big! There are several events to play.

That said, I need to go now. It's time to return to work. If you've read this far, thank you very much for following my updates! :) I hope you have a great week.